Madi's mom Colleen was in for almost three weeks, just left Saturday. It was a nice long visit that offered quality time for both mom and daughter.
Chris, Angela, and Rodger will remain in Boston with Madi for another two weeks. Then home for a month... Woo Hoo!

The unit on the left side of the picture does a full circle around the room. While a tad menacing at first, the biggest challenge now seems to be staying awake.
Madi's throat is starting to get quite sore but she still seems to have pretty good energy... all things considered.

Proton radiation is different than traditional IMRT, which is like a broad brush by comparison. With Proton, a mold is made of the patients tumor. From that, a custom guide is made which is fit in to the machine prior to each treatment. This process directs the radiation and energy levels to an exact area, offering oncologists the flexibility to zap the thicker parts a tumor with high doses, while also drastically reducing the radiation levels around the edges to minimize and ideally eliminate radiation to surrounding areas. We've heard the term 'pencil beam', which sounds very precise.