Every week following chemo, white blood cell (WBC) counts drop dramatically. Normal is 5,000-10,000 and last week Madi's WBC 400, so the exposures to an infection were off the charts.
Blood work today shows that she's bouncing back. WBC count is 4,000, a 10x increase over just one week ago but still below the minimum. WBC counts should increase to normal within the next 7-10 days. While she feels fatigued, Madi was able to make an appearance last Sunday at the Malibu Half Marathon fundraiser to cheer on participants running for Christopher's Haven. Pictures to follow. Amazingly, Madi has 5 o'clock shadow head. While the hair/fuzz is very short/fine there is an shadow developing where her hair should be. We've not noticed that after any chemo treatment to date. Maybe her hair follicles know that was her last treatment?! Naw... this was yet another blessing. ![]() Thanks to all marathon participants and as well as those who made donations, large and small... It all counts! Everyone who started the half Malibu Marathon in support of Christopher's Haven, finished! Most importantly $2,953 tax free dollars raised! As mentioned Christopher's Haven was founded by a three time cancer survivor, Dan Olsen. You can view a brief video about his quest at this link noting a box of tissue may be required. Again, thank you to everyone involved directly and indirectly! Love, The Jones' It's difficult to express our sincere appreciation without sounding too repetitive, overly dramatic, or just babbling on. And on. In brief, we have been touched to our souls by the prayers, support, and love of family, friends, and even strangers. From our hearts, we thank you.
Love, The Jones' ... but were afraid to ask. Absolutely fascinating technology! There's a very detailed article at this link
Madi had a rough day on Friday, which included spending half a day back at Kaiser Woodland Hills for IV anti-nausea meds and fluids. While extremely fatigued, Saturday was much better. Once again, no more week-long sleepovers at Camp Kaiser... Whoop Whoop! ![]() As planned Madison was admitted on Monday November 3rd for inpatient chemo. All things considered, she has tolerated the treatments well. As per usual the side effects will crescendo in about a week, and then gradually taper off. During past treatments she summed it up quite appropriately as she recovers: “Just when I start feeling better, I get to go back in and get my a$$ kicked again”. Not the case this time. This was Madison’s last planned chemo treatment, Yay! To quote madirose_j on instagram: "After eight rounds of chemo, I'll be done for good. I've never looked forward to nausea and fatigue with so much enthusiasm. #hastalavistacancer" Madi's immune system will be incredibly low (she won’t be able to fight any germs… nor the energy to even insult them). The week after next, each day should be just a smidge better. In the next month she’ll have the chemo and surgical accessories will be removed. A chemo port was inserted under the skin for direct and easy artery access (vs. IVs each time), and a filter was inserted in each vertebral artery to catch blood clots if any during surgery, reducing the risks of a stroke. The procedure to remove each is low risk, and hopefully we’ll get them done locally at Kaiser Woodland Hills (vs. Boston). We've been deeply touched by everyones prayers, love, and support. Thank you all so very much. We''ll post more in the coming days. With Love, The Jones' |
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