Madison completed round 2 of chemo January 6-10. While this round didn't have nearly the side effects as round 1, chemo is rotten nonetheless.
This is probably the ugliest nurse on the planet, woof. He popped in for a visit but had to leave the hospital after a couple of hours.
Madi's oncologist suggested we consult with a colleague of hers, a world renowned expert. We had a meeting today with the Director of Oncology at Children's Hospital, an affiliate of USC. He reviewed Mass General's treatment plan and said that in his opinion, MGH was spot on with their recommendations... from A-Z, adding they're is best positioned to treat her given their experience and expertise. He was clearly an expert in the field and very gracious with his time. While all had absolute faith with MGH's treatment roadmap, hearing it again was a sigh of relief. Given the rarity of chordoma and adding to that the rarity of Madison's variation, it's nice to hear consistency since there is no conventional approach.
Chemo round 3 of 4 is just a few days away, January 27-31. Madison will be hospitalized again given the toxic blend of the serums. As she summed it up so nicely, I start feeling really good and get my ass kicked again. The good news is that chemo round 1 halted tumor growth, and she's been through two rounds so far. While hopes are high that chemo shrinks the tumor measurably and it may, experts are saying with this type of chordoma, chemo will affect the characteristics of the tumor such that the next surgery will be less challenging.
Chemo round 4 of 4 is scheduled for February 17-21. Then it's a bit of rest and off to Boston for 5 weeks of Proton therapy which should further kick the tumors butts we call Thing-1 and Thing-2, followed by surgery.
Madison is feeling very chipper and optimistic all things considered. Thank you all for your overwhelming support!
The Jones'