- Today Thursday - Homework
- Friday to Sunday - Strongly considering going to Mammoth Mountain
- Next week - Back to San Francisco for two days that includes consults, check-ups, blood-work, EKGs, and to get two more weeks of meds. And more homework.
- Week after next - Going to Colorado as an Extreme Mobility (XMO) camp counselor leading blind youth on snow mobiles, skis, etc. More here.
He asked about XMO (link here). This will be her 4th time as a counselor in the last two years, two winter and two summer camps. With an ear-to-ear grin he replied "she is such a badass!"
Oddly Madi doesn't seem to feel like a badass or like a brave warrior. That said, she doesn't do pity parties and refuses to let this disease and recent metastasis define her... which by definition makes her a badass.