"Cancer": Do cancer patients think of it as a battle cancer or consider it a journey? Ponder the definitions:
"Battle": Noun. A hostile encounter or engagement between opposing military forces:
"Journey": Noun. A traveling from one place to another, usually taking a rather longtime; trip:
Writing on kevinmd.com, Rob Ruff writes of the journey metaphor: “With this (journey) image, having an illness takes us on a trip, a journey that will be marked by twists and turns, ups and downs, unexpected detours, smooth stretches of roadway, seemingly impassable rocky paths, enemies that threaten us as well as loved ones who support us. One is often changed even transformed by a journey. We learn lessons along the way, lessons we may never have learned if we hadn't been set on this challenging path. We weigh what we need to take and what is better left behind. Sometimes, we have to abandon items we thought we would need but don’t, traveling lighter as we go. Storms may arise which blow us far off course, off the map we’d been using to guide us, leaving us lost in an unknown land.”
“Yet we can, with effort and assistance, chart a new course and regain our bearings. On a journey, we can appreciate the beauty we encounter and have deep conversations with those who travel alongside us (instead of the chaos and conflict that characterize a battlefield, strewn as it so often is with the destruction and detritus of war.) One doesn't win or lose a journey but rather takes it a step at a time".
It's been one heck of a journey for Madison and her family. From our hearts, we humbly thank you for taking it with us, and for your kindness and support.
The Jones'