Yesterday after the PA increased two existing pain meds and added another, Madison's pain became much more tolerable. By 10pm last night she was falling asleep on the couch... okay, time for bed. Given she had almost no sleep Friday night and with her pain eased, we were amazed she was even still awake at 10.
Madi needs her pain meds every two hours around the clock. Both mom's and dad all but insisted we gently wake her up every two hours, hand her the med, and one of us would return in another two hours. Point being, if she misses a dose or two sleeping, the pain can be intense. Since she can't get IV meds at home, it'd take 30-60 before a pain pill kicks in (vs. IV, which is less than 30 seconds). But Madison being Madison, she set a reminder in her phone and had doses of meds on her nightstand. Very directly she declined to have one of us come in throughout the night. She set alarms in her phone, woke up, took the appropriate med, and noted it on a spreadsheet that has the types and times, and went back to sleep. Looking back to when I was 22, I'd have done the same (stubborn : ) thing. She's got this, doesn't need to be babied (nor will she allow it).
So yesterday, the pain was such that we had to bring her her meds, spreadsheet in-hand, and setting our phone alarms. Today, Madison is flopped on the couch, the TV remote in one hand with her phone in the other (typical for an unemployed college dropout (her term, not ours : ), with the med time & type spreadsheet by her side. We glance at it, but she's on top of it all.
So how's Madi now? She's well medicated but mostly awake and surprisingly coherent. We'll see her eyes close with her cell phone in- hand. When it beeps, she opens her eyes and and types away. So... don't be surprised if she likes a Facebook post and replies, or responds to a text with 'covfefe'.
The Jones Family