The new med is seemingly effective. While we were optimistically hoping it'd kick in sooner, appearances are that it has kicked in. Friday was a less crappy day for her in that she required less and less pain meds, but small doses more often is the key. Over the course of the morning/early afternoon, she asked for only small doses of meds when awakened for her schedule meds. By about 3pm, Madi was ready to get out of bed. Her physician came by about 5pm and seemed pleased that of the effectiveness of the new med. He's obviously been involved every step-by-step down this path of her journey, and peer-reviews each next-steps with his colleagues, with direct from Madison. Her quest remains to be as awake and alert as possible, of course balancing that by managing the pain.
When awakened at 7am this morning for her scheduled meds, she asked for only a small dose of pain meds, another indication of the additional meds effectiveness. We'll post more tonight or tomorrow morning.
The Jones Family