Today Madi rounds the bend, 3 days post op and swelling has started to diminish slightly. One less IV today, one drain came out as well.
From the 2013 surgery Madi had about a 4" vertical scar on the back of her neck, and a 3" horizontal scar on the right side of her neck. Today the bandages were removed and we were able to see the staples on her neck and stitches in her leg. The incision on the back of her neck appears to be a tad higher and lower than before. The front incision front is impressive. Granted everything was puffy and red, but Madi wanted to see a picture regardless. Keep in mind Madi was prepared to have her jaw split so surgeons could manipulate two pieces of bone to get at tumor remnants if need be, vs. a horseshoe shaped jaw. She also has an impressive set of stitches down her left leg, ~12-14" and equally impressive.
The staples start from where is did before, and continues horizontally across the front of her neck and around to the other side. By her request a picture was taken and Madi took a look. Her eyes got a tad bigger and she said "looks like chokers are coming back in style."
If God only gives us what we can handle, apparently He thinks Madi is a bad-ass...
... she is