We obediently arrived, checked in, and took a seat. The desk nurse's phone rang a few minutes later: he looked at Madison and said "yes doctor she's here." After a pause he added "sure, I'll set you up in a room so you can speak privately. Gulp.
Not bad news, but good news!. Madison's bloodwork looks good, she'll be off of the last IV med on Monday. The purpose of meeting in the infusion center was to avoid the co-pay associated with an "appointment" meeting in her office. The reason the doctor asked for a private room was because she didn't want to meet in a pool of people being infused.
A PICC line like the one pictured, offers artery access for IV meds without requiring needles... a happy thing. The two ports are hanging out of Madison's arm and ultimately wiggle out of the sleeve trying to flop around, an unhappy thing. We tried using a staple gun but that didn't work well.
So, the PICC line comes out Monday as well, right after the last antibiotic and yes, kidding about the staple gun.
We hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and a nice long weekend. We have SO much to be thankful for... and are truly blessed.
The Jones'