Thoughts on bravery... or is it faith and determination? Madi was told she had cancer at age 18, endured grueling treatments through age 19, and then another highly intrusive procedure at age 20,,, unrelated to cancer but one of the toughed to date. In December last year at age 21 after being disease free for two years, she's told the cancer again... it's metastasized. 11 trips to San Francisco this year participating in a clinical that proved highly effective for the existing tumors, she's told last week at the age of 22 that the meds suddenly stopped preventing new tumors from forming. She must be very brave, aye?! Who truly knows how brave cancer patients actually are, or are they just taking the ride and rising to the occasion as the bar is raised... and perhaps perceived as brave?
To quote Madison quoting Joyce Meyer: "Courage is fear that has said it's prayers and decided to go forward anyway". And to quote Madison "so we walk forward in faith and courage... cancer will not steal my joy today."
The Joneses