So less fluid being drained every four days... so what's that mean? Exactly! We're not doctors but remain cautiously optimistic. Fluid that was accumulating ~125ml (1/2 cup) daily (drained every four days), is now less than a tablespoon accumulating daily... over a tenfold decrease in fluid build-up since starting the meds. Immensely less troublesome to lay patients and parents alike. Thank you to the research and scientist communities for making meds like these available to rare cancer patients, and a special shout out to Him... thank you God.
Monday brings another 2-3 day trip to UCSF in San Francisco, number six this year. This one should be rather routine ... a flurry of appointments that can be done in a couple of days. The 8-week mark is in two short weeks. That will likely be 3-4 days with new MRI, CT, x-rays to compare against those take in January.

Thanks for following along, and for the positive energy and prayers. We'll post updates mid next week after we meet with the UCSF team.
The Joneses