When she was admitted Friday, her ANC count was zero. The minimum should be 1000. Today her ANC level was 300, so a step in the right direction. Madi's blood is analyzed daily so they'll know when it's safe for her to be discharged... we're hoping Sunday or Monday so she can resume PBT on Monday.
Boston has spectacular storms. Last week Dad was out walking and it suddenly started pouring rain with massive thunder. Getting close to the apartment dad received a text from Madi, who happened to look out the window as dad was getting soaked to his socks. Her text: "LOL, I just saw you walking".
Tonight, another massive storm swept in. Tethered to her IV tree on wheels, Madi, her mom, dad, and Rodger went to a lounge to get a better view. It was spectacular. We set up a phone to video, and took screen shots from that. John Bradshaw, a friend from Madi and mom's church, just happened to be in Boston and popped by for a brief visit, which was very nice.