Thursday 11:00 AM, a message if I may: An extremely wise therapist told me we must embrace two important things. Faith, and everything that means to each of us.. For us: we have faith in God, faith in the medical team, faith in the expert's treatment road-map, second opinions, tumors boards, etc. Hope, equally important... can not lose hope.
A friendly reminder on visitors: allowed, does she want them? It depends on the timing. Again, Madi requests that there are no pop-in's, but text her. If she doesn't reply, she's asleep (so no : ) If she feels yucky and doesn't reply, trust that it's not personal, she loves you too, just rotten timing and sleep deprived at times. Any questions, text or email her dad or Angela during the day/evening, or mom nights.
Last night was a bit bumpy, pain crept up and she needed the IV meds. The pain specialist will be in later today and we suspect he may add a dash more of this and that.
Current treatment plan: # 1, get her pain stabilized with oral and pill form, but no spikes that would require IV meds. The next chemo treatment is scheduled for 8/22, with an immunotherapy drug to follow shortly thereafter.
The Jones Family