Rewinding back to August 2013, Madison required emergency because two vertebra in her neck were severely compromised and had collapsed in to her spinal cord. Before surgery, we validated her surgeon’s expertise and yes, he’s the perfect person at the top of his game. He mentioned three words, a very friendly looking mass, growth and lesion but never said tumor or the potential of. When asked, he reiterated that it’s very harmless looking, has seen it quite a few exactly like hers and had no concerns whatsoever confidently closing that he’ll send it to pathology to confirm after surgery, more of a formality which was on August 23, 2013.
Madison, mom's and I have seen the reflections of emotions in eyes of everyone who loves us and loves Madison, a love that won't ever have an epilogue or ending.
I have a love/hate relationship with September elevens. Justifiably it's a day we'll never forget, but 9/11 being an annual media event obviously reminds me via TV and news of that day and our 9/11's.